BIC Graphic Europe API

Get ready for the future by enhancing your automated integrations!

API Documentation Online Demo Application Download Demo Application Products Media Downloader
Main banner with a woman with a lot of docuemnts
Image after banner with waves

Getting started


The client system (e.g. your E-commerce website, PIM platform, ...) must retrieve an access token to interact with the API.

You can get an access token using OAuth 2.0. The following Grant Types are available:

  • Password: Used to exchange user's credentials for an access token.
  • Refresh Token: Used to exchange a refresh token for a new access token when the access token has expired.
Authentication image with a person
Person with a lot of documents diferent formats

Supported formats

We support widely used formats, such as:


API Documentation is available under /api entry point. Our API documentation has been built using SwaggerUI which not only gives our customers examples but also lets you try it out.

We apply Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 which means that we will preserve backward compatibility in patch and minor versions (e.g. 2.x.x).

As we try to be as transparent as possible regarding the API new features and bug fixes, a full Change Log is available for customers.

Check the following guide for more information: Getting started with API Documentation.

Authentication is required to access the API Documentation.

Image with a document
Demo application with a woman

Demo application

We have created a full featured demo application to show by examples how to connect and consume API data.

Check the following guide for more information: Getting started with the demo application.

Online demo Download demo

Products Media Downloader

Any issue downloading the images or files using the API/Masterfiles URLs? A Products Media Downloader is available to download products files and images by type (list, imprinted, unimprinted, detail, configurator, ...), colour scheme (RGB, CMYK), category and product.

Mobile with a lot images
Two woman looking one window


The API access is free of charge.

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And discover the new way to integrate